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3 Top Exercises for Those People with Diabetes

Minggu, 26 Maret 2023 - 03:04
3 Top Exercises for Those People with Diabetes Device to control your blood sugar. (Photo: Xb100/Freepik) 

TIMES BALI, JAKARTADiabetes somehow has become an obstacle for those sportholic. People with this condition could not do certain exercises and will only allowed to do those simple workout. Though sometimes it feels hard to do but according to CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) US it will help you control the blood sugar

Beside controlling the blood sugar these exercises were expected to be able to maintain a proper healthy weight, releases pheromones which make you happy, and increase the quality of your sleep. It will also inprove your memory as well to lower your bad cholesterol or LDL and increased those good cholesterol or HDL. 

However, it is always hard to start something good including exercise while having your blood sugar spike. But all you need was just to find the thing to trigger your willing to move. These include a good sport you like, finding a paryner to do so, arranging the schedule, and creating a goal. 

The result might not be seen in few days. But at the end of the day, the more you consistent the better the result. It is better for you to check your blood sugar before and after the exercise. This way you will see the result right after. And keepyour diabetes on the line. 

Simple Exercises for People with Diabetes 

1. Doing Chores 

Little did you know house chores will increase your heart rates and the number of your breathe. Do it at least 20 to 150 minutes or less than 3 hours per day to keep your body active and healty. Keep in track andake sure you down overload your body with exercise. Just enough will be good. 

2. Walking 

Get 20 or 50 minutes walk in a day. You could atart by walking atound your neighborhood or going further to some public park around your area. If you live in rural area where there are forest or open space, it will be a great place to choose. Don't forget to bring a bottle of water with you, just to make sure you stay hidrated. 

3. Swimming 

Swimming will also raise your heart rate and keep you active. It will increase insulin sensitivity as well help you lose your weight. Just remember not to take some food or beverage which high in glucose for as we all know, a good ol' glass of sweet cold syrup or wine will be a good thing to have after swimming. For, it will only open another hell door for you. 

4. Cycling 

Cycling will be a good sport to have when you got diabetes. It activates around 70 percent of all the muscle in our body particularly those muscles in our lower limbs. You could adjust the tupe of the bike to thoe you like and adjust the distance. 

Doing these exercises when you have diabetes will help the body absorbs the glucose int he bloodstream into muscle tissue. The number of blood sugar in your blood will decrease and you have a steady blood sugar while keeping yourself active and healthy. (*)

Pewarta : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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